Introducing Junior Lacrosse at the Lights – a sporty adventure filled with fun, friendships, and fantastic memories in the making!
In 2024, four Australian lacrosse clubs will be marking their 125th anniversaries. In recognition of a combined 500 years of lacrosse, these four clubs will come together for one weekend in Adelaide to compete in "The 500" Lacrosse Tournament.
Introducing Junior Lacrosse at the Lights – a sporty adventure filled with fun, friendships, and fantastic memories in the making!
The 116th Annual General Meeting of the East Torrens Payneham Lacrosse Club Inc will be held at the ETPLC Clubrooms (20 Turner St, Felixstow) on Sunday 10th December 2023 at 3:00pm
Plenty coming up on the Redwings social calendar in 2023! Make sure to keep these dates free so you don't miss out!